Its been around a month and half at Chicago and I still feel a stranger in "amreeca". Back at the consulate, people were nervous and excited at the same time to get their ticket into the land of opportunities.
It will be pre mature to present a definition of the "land of opportunities" but indeed, people of diverse origins flock to America, get attracted to its desciplined and dignified work culture, some cherish their economically poor but culturally rich native heritage but almost all blend in the luscious aroma of dollar. The place has got all the potential to entice the mortals; jobs for all, government looking after the disabled, fancy and robust infrastructure, comfortable living standards, high degree of social liberty, to name a few.
But, there are no free lunch. All these luxuries cost you lot of recursive hard work and some where this extreme capitalism has dented the basic social structures which is quite evident on the surface.
There are some bold excitements about arriving to Chicago in Fall. Its summer time and Americans are keen to show off. Well, its a little early to discern between keeness and matters of individual liberty and social freedom in this bold bold democracy. But anyways, you get to enjoy a hell lot :)) Implicitly, you comprehend the mindset of the individual who coined the apparently old fashioned yet politically correct term, "bharatiya naari". I do not dare to offend either the eastern or the western naari but these lines were jotted out of some frustrations and confusions of a damned fool who tried to understand the beauty of the world rather than enjoying it.
Asians come to this place in large numbers and play a variety of roles. All of us personify an important aspect of this land's character and that is, its ability to adapt to and gain from the pool of immigrants. Living takes new dimensions in here, cant say it will elevate the standards or diminish but that is for the time to decide and I will keep on reporting...